Cunningham, Environmental Science: A Global Concern © 2015 13e, AP Student Edition (Reinforced Binding) (A/P ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE)

Cunningham, Environmental Science: A Global Concern © 2015 13e, AP Student Edition (Reinforced Binding) (A/P ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE)

Brand: William Cunningham,Mary Cunningham

Kategori: Books,Science & Math,Earth Sciences

🔗 Beli Sekarang

Environmental Science: A Global Concern is a comprehensive presentation of environmental science that emphasizes critical thinking, environmental responsibility, and global awareness.
As practicing scientists and educators, the Cunningham author team brings decades of experience in the classroom, in the practice of science, and in civic engagement.
This experience helps give students a clear sense of what environmental science is and why it matters.
Environmental Science: A Global Concern provides readers with an up-to-date, introductory global view of essential themes in environmental science.
The authors balance evidence of serious environmental challenges with ideas about what we can do to overcome them.
An entire chapter focuses on ecological restoration; one of the most important aspects of ecology today.
In this edition, Case Studies show examples of real progress and What Can You Do? lists give students ideas for contributing solutions.
Includes Print Student Edition

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