Brand: Collins UK
Kategori: Books,Arts & Photography,Performing Arts
🔗 Beli SekarangA small format gift book which is a reproduction of the popular book 101 Scottish Country Dances published by Collins in 1956. Written as a practical guide to Scottish ceilidh dancing and to promote the work of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.
One of the most influential books of ceilidh dances ever, compiled by Jean Milligan and illustrated by Irene Stewart.
These dances were a collection of the most significant and influential traditional Scottish dances in 1950s and many are still widely danced today.
Popular traditional dances are featured, such as "Dashing White Sergeant", "Eightsome Reel", "Strip the Willow" and "Cumberland Reel". This comprehensive collection also contains a number of lesser known dances such as "Flowers of Edinburgh", "Jenny Dang the Weaver", "Rakes of Glasgow" and "La Russe". This unique collection from reels to watlzs and medleys to quadrilles celebrates Scottish traditional folk dance at its best.