Brand: Al Denson
Kategori: Books,Arts & Photography,Music
🔗 Beli SekarangAl Denson presents Volume 3 of his Youth Chorus Book series, providing everything for the musical activities of youth meetings.
Like the others, this book is divided into three sections: lively "crowd breaker" choruses to get the youth involved, "praise" choruses for transition, and "worship" choruses for quiet reflection.
Songs include: Create In Me A Clean Heart * Draw Me Near * Emmanuel * Get All Excited * Ha-La-La-La * Hallelujia Praise The Lamb * I Call You Faithful * I Feel Jesus * Jesus Is The Light * Jesus We're Depending On You * Jesus, Be Jesus In Me * On A Day Like This * Sing Unto The Lord A New Song * Sometimes By Step * Soon And Very Soon * Standing On The Rock * This Little Light Of Mine * Thou Didst Leave * Thou Shalt Love * Thy Word * You Alone