Fundamentals of Thermodynamics - Textbook Only

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics - Textbook Only

Brand: Richard E. Sonntag

Kategori: Books,Science & Math,Physics

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This edition includes the changes needed to address the trends in the market by rewriting & expanding the coverage of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
For over 25 years, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics was the best-selling book in the field.
This book has since been revised to be more applied, and focuses on the second law of thermodynamics and the resulting energy analysis techniques.
For the past three decades, Sonntag, Borgnakke, and Van Wylen2s FUNDAMENTALS OF THERMODYNAMICS has been the leading textbook in the field.
Now updated and enhanced with numerous worked examples, homework problems, and illustrations, and a rich selection of Web-based learning resources, the new Sixth Edition continues to present a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of classical thermodynamics, while retaining an engineering perspective.
The text lays the groundwork for subsequent studies in fields such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer and statistical thermodynamics, and prepares students to effectively apply thermodynamics in the practice of engineering.

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